Dr. Stella matured a meaningful experience in the publishing field supporting many publishing and telecommunication enterprises.
Traditional books and magazines, multimedia book trade, new media, enterprises of distribution and sale of publishing products, advertising agents, enterprises operating in the field of the electronic commerce, broadcasting and telecommunication enterprises; these are the habitual interlocutors of the Study.
The Study assists its Customers in the fiscal problems, which in this field are rather atypical and particular: from special VAT system considered by the article 74
Dpr 633/72 to the application of the added value tax in the electronic on - line commerce, to the problems connected with the direct taxation and the different
types of book- keeping survey and writing of the budgets, to the taxation of the copyrights.
The Study gives also assistance during the preparation of contracts with particular attention to the protection of the patrimonial and moral rights of the works and to their spread and distribution.
Moreover, it also manages all kinds of fulfilment towards the guarantor Authority for communications and market.
The Study offers also a specific advising in order to obtain facilitations in the publishing field (tax relieves for paper and investments, easy-terms loans, special rates, etc).
Dr. Stella participated - in quality of adviser and proxy of the national association for print distribution - to the writing of the national agreement on the sale of
daily and periodic newspapers and to the writing of the FIEG - ANADIS convention on the distribution of the publishing products in Italy.
In this sense he matured a meaningful experience in the attendance to associations and national federations operating in the publishing and telecommunication field, giving also assistance in the relationships with the guarantor Authority for competition and market.
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Telecommunication services
Publishing, telecommunication services and e-commerce